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London’s Finest at latest Fight Finder Manchester Meet

The north/south divide was bridged when Finest, a wrestler from London, joined the regulars at the latest Fight Finder Manchester Meet.

Finest was a popular contestant at the Meet, held at The Wrestling Factory (aka Pippa’s), on Saturday 10th November, 2018. Apart from his wrestling skills, Finest proved popular because he gave his opponents a massage after the bout and also taught Tai Chi moves.

He was very impressed with the event and said he would like to make a return visit.

There was also a link with Greece via Wresslefun, who is originally from Athens but now lives in Salford.

The biggest geographical link was, surprisingly, Bradford. Imtiaz Ali, organiser or the Fight Finder Manchester Meets is from the city. He discovered that both Finest and Wresslefun went to university there and Grapplerlad was born in the city.

If all three can all make it, there will be a French connection at the next Fight Finder Manchester Meet planned for Saturday, 24 November, 2018, between 2pm and 6pm. Look out for details on the Fight Finder and other wrestling websites.

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