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Custom Match

What is this?
Bespoke service. A completely custom match designed by you. You choose the rules, participants, gear, venue, duration and quality. You are the writer and could come to be the featured director too if you wanted to.

Additional services:​

  • Packaged and posted UK                 


The full fee needs to be paid via an invoice before the filming takes place, because this request is on a bespoke basis.

Receiving the video?
A downloadable copy will be sent to your email, and/or packaged and posted to an UK address.


Technical Information?

  • Usually 1 GB for 30 minutes in HD

  • Compressed 4K files are approximately 3 GB for 30 mintutes

  • Uncompressed 4K files are approximately 14 GB for 30 minutes.


Ready to fill your fantasy?

Contact with as many ideas / details as possible please.

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