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First Fight Finder Manchester Meet hailed a success

People from various parts of the UK gave the “thumbs up” to the first Fight Finder Manchester Meet held on Saturday 28 July, 2018.

The Meet was held in the popular “Pippa’s” (officially Wrestling Factory) and, despite being organised just two weeks prior, attracted 15 handsome participants. 16th - Steeleyes couldn't make it because recovering from hernia operation.

They had a chance to grapple in the ring and two matted rooms (20 minute sessions) between 4pm and 8pm for only £10 each.

During the event filming took place of wrestling bouts which we will be added to the the variety on offer in the Fight Finder shop.

This Manchester Meet was one of a series that Fight Finder is planning. To be added to the events mailing list and/or any suggested amenities, times and dates ideas. Contact page.

(Left to right.) Scissorsman, Vince Thomas, Ripper Roger, SW Mike and Andy. Other participants couldn't stay to the end, Dermott Wigan1, Torrnado, Robert England, The Welsh Warrior, Old Scrapper Derby, Roger Shelley, Late Starter, John Cotterill and RedJim.

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